
Stacy Fietz
B. App. Sc (Speech and Hearing), MSPA, MPSPAWA, Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist
Stacy graduated as a Speech Pathologist in 1988 with a Bachelor of Applied Science from Curtin University WA. She has worked in a variety of settings including community health, hospitals, and disability services. Stacy held Senior Speech Pathology positions in the WA Health Department prior to moving into private practice. Stacy was the owner of South Metro Speech Pathology in O’Connor for 10 years before starting Just Kids Speech Pathology in Atwell in 2010.
Stacy has chosen to work in private practice as it allows her to devote her time solely to her clinical caseload and focus on giving children and their families maximum support.
Stacy has worked extensively in early intervention and has a special interest in working with young children under 18 months of age. She is skilled in supporting late talkers and children who are at risk of speech and language delay.
Stacy also enjoys working with children who have significant language difficulties. This includes those with comprehension problems (i.e. difficulty following instructions and answering questions) and those with expressive language issues (E.g. delayed grammar, poor vocabulary, difficulty in expressing themselves).
Stacy is a PROMPT trained therapist and has done both Introductory and Bridging Levels of PROMPT training. She is highly experienced in working with children who have more severe articulation difficulties including those with Childhood Apraxia of Speech.
Stacy is a Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist (CPSP) who is committed to keeping her knowledge and skills up to date.
Stacy is also an active member of the Private Speech Pathology Association of WA (PSPAWA) and Speech Pathology Australia (SPA).